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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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Admittances of antenna array waveguide radiators on a wedge: the results of numerical and experimental studies

... quantitative analysis of physical processes that occur during the excitation of planar and rectangular waveguides with an infinite flange, with a bending flange and an array of planar and rectangular waveguide radiators on an infinite plane and on an infinite wedge has been carried out. The analysis is based on coupling equations for the complex amplitudes of the electromagnetic field of array radiators and on equations for transfer admittances. It is shown that the so-called “edge effect” in arrays consisting of a small number of radiators located on an infinite plane is naturally allowed for by the transfer admittance of its radiators. The influence of a bended plane (the ...

Modified: 10/04/2010
Tags: admittances , antenna , array , waveguide , radiators , wedge , results , numerical , experimental , studies
Path: Home / Publications / Archives / 2010 / Admittances of antenna …

Admittances of antenna array waveguide radiators on a wedge: deducing the main relations

... transfer admittance of the waveguide radiators of an antenna array located on a side of an infinite ideally conductive wedge is deduced. Equations for the “irregular” and “regular” transfer admittance of the waveguide radiators of an antenna array located on a side of an infinite ideally conductive wedge is deduced. It is shown that the summands of the transfer admittances — intrinsic and transfer conductances of the types of waves in array radiators — depend on the direction of the array radiation and on its geometric parameters. The expressions of coupling coefficients belonging to the intrinsic and transfer ...

Modified: 10/04/2010
Tags: admittances , antenna , array , waveguide , radiators , wedge , deducing , relations
Path: Home / Publications / Archives / 2010 / Admittances of antenna …

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