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CST - Computer Simulation Technology

Пятница, 18 февраля 2011

February 18th, 2011, Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announces shipping of CST STUDIO SUITE™ version 2011 has commenced. CST STUDIO SUITE comprises CST's simulation software offering. It includes the technology leading high frequency 3D EM simulator CST MICROWAVE STUDIO®

Researchers and engineers use CST STUDIO SUITE for the design of EM based components in application areas as diverse as MW&RF component design, EMC and signal integrity analysis. CST's latest software release, CST STUDIO SUITE version 2011 and its multitude of powerful new features and functionality, can help them to streamline their workflows and shorten development cycles.


Среда, 22 декабря 2010
Computer Simulation Technology (CST), today announces winners of the CST University Publication Award 2010.

The CST University Publication Award is an annual grant to university institutes and researchers for their work in the application of 3D EM field simulation. The winners are awarded with extensions to their CST STUDIO SUITE installations.

Prerequisites for participation are that the papers are authored or co-authored by university researchers, published either in scientific journals or conference proceedings, and the numerical results are entirely or in part obtained through simulation using CST software products.

Вторник, 30 ноября 2010
November 30, 2010, Computer Simulation Technology (CST) announces the signing of a joint marketing agreement with Cadence Design Systems

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