Yury Vladimirovich Kosyakin,
Senior Scientist of Research Institute (Kaluga, Russia), Head of the Branch of the Moscow State Industrial University in Zhukov (Kaluga Region), Candidate of Science in technics.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building (now the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics) in 1979.
PhD in Technical Sciences since 1983 (antenna-feeder devices and microwave equipment).
Senior Scientist in the Research Institute (Kaluga, Russia) since 1984. Published 20 scientific papers (on microwave equipment), including 9 inventor's certificates.
Head of the Branch of the Moscow State Industrial University in Zhukov (Kaluga Region, Russia) since 2001.
Current scientific interests: correlation between the effectiveness of the pedagogical activities, pedagogical technique and the quality of training specialists in higher education. Published 48 papers on problems in developing and enhancing the quality of higher distance education; on special issues in engaging professional specialists without pedagogical education in training within the system of higher distance education; on problems in organizing the training activities for those who are studying in the system of higher education and others. These include:
— monograph “Basic Didactics for Tutors Working in the Distance Education System” – M., MSIU, 2006. – p. 180 (the stamp of the training and didactics committee for professional and pedagogical education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation);
— five articles in the following magazines: “Quality. Innovation. Education” (2006), “Professional Education” (2008), “Bulletin of the State University of Management” (2008);
— chapters in joint monographs: “Pedagogy: family–school–society” [Y.V. Kosyakin et al.]; edited by Prof. O.I. Kirikova. – Books: 9, 11 and 12 – Voronezh: VSPU, 2007.
— monograph “Basic Didactics for Tutors Working in the Distance Education System” – M., MSIU, 2006. – p. 180 (the stamp of the training and didactics committee for professional and pedagogical education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation);
— five articles in the following magazines: “Quality. Innovation. Education” (2006), “Professional Education” (2008), “Bulletin of the State University of Management” (2008);
— chapters in joint monographs: “Pedagogy: family–school–society” [Y.V. Kosyakin et al.]; edited by Prof. O.I. Kirikova. – Books: 9, 11 and 12 – Voronezh: VSPU, 2007.