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Antenna Array

Antenna array

Complex directional antenna consists of separate near-omnidirectional antennas (radiating elements) positioned in the space and driven by high-frequency …

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Archives for 2005


Scattering of electromagnetic waves by mirror antennas

Scattering of a plane wave by mirror antennas with vibrating radiators is considered. The Fourier coefficients of the vector function equal to the current density on the mirror metal and the tangent component of the electrical vector on the geometric surface, complementing the surface of the mirror to close in some complete function system....

Modified: 12/22/2005
Tags: scattering , electromagnetic wave , antenna , Fourier
Path: Home / Publications / Archives / 2005 / Scattering of electromagnetic …

Boundary value problems and diffraction of waves at surfaces with a variable admittance

The problem of diffraction of electromagnetic waves on a curvilinear surfaces with piecewise continuous admittance (impedance) boundary conditions, particularly on open-ended metallic surfaces is considered. It is shown that the coefficients of Fourier kind for some complete function system and the corresponding series for the function equal to the tangent component of the electric vector on the part of the surface where the admittance is finite and the surface electric current on the part where ...

Modified: 12/18/2005
Tags: diffraction , electromagnetic wave , Fourier , Meixner
Path: Home / Publications / Archives / 2005 / Boundary value …

Scattering of waves on perfect conductors and impedance bodies

... as on bodies with impedance, heterogeneous and anisotropic boundary conditions. The auxiliary sources on some surfaces, situated inside these bodies are introduced; in particular, the surfaces can be spanned into points. Using the Lorenz lemma, the Fourier coefficients for the density of real or equivalent current on the surface of the bodies are determined and then the currents themselves and the dispersed fields generated by them are found. The example of calculations is given. Radio engineering ...

Modified: 12/10/2005
Tags: scattering , boundary , Lorenz lemma , Fourier
Path: Home / Publications / Archives / 2005 / Scattering of waves …

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GuidesArray Coaxial 0.1.2

GuidesArray Coaxial™ is used by engineers for projecting and exploring the characteristics of two-dimensional periodic phased antenna arrays for coaxial waveguides.


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